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East Elementary

East Elementary - Kindergarten and Grade 1

Principal's Message

Mr. Ryan Holmes, Principal

December Newsletter

Click here for the current month's newsletter.

Supply List

Elementary School Supply List

Final Forms

Click here to complete student forms online.

Ohio Attendance and Truancy Laws

Click here to see Ohio's attendance and truancy laws based on House Bill 410.

Food Service

Click here to go to the Food Service page with nutrition information and menus.

Student Handbook

Click here for an online copy of the Elementary Student Handbook.

Title One

Title I provides financial assistance to educational agencies and schools to implement programs to assist students.

Online Payments

Click here to pay school fees online.

News & Events

Congratulations to the East Elementary Students of the Month for November: 

Front Row (left to right): Karol Garcia-Herrera, Addie Pipes, Jasmine Mazariegos-Lopez, and Otis Lautzenheiser

Back Row (left to right): Finn Dawson, Maria Maldonado-Maldonado, Emerson Wills, and Evelyn Sanchez

Absent: Trey Seldenright and Ashley Sica-Tecum


Congratulations to the East Elementary Students of the Month for October:

Front Row (left to right): Owen Traxler, Maisyn Garan, Harlee Andears, Brixton Johnson, Celeste Liggett, and Owen Warner

Back Row (left to right): Alexander Perez-Sica, Rony Ciprian-Castro, Kate Dynes, and Finley Williams


Congratulations to the East Elementary Students of the Month for September: 

Front Row (left to right): Mila Jenkins, Frankie Kerestes, Carter Reynolds, and Rachel Lucken

Back Row (left to right): JJ Armstrong, Rusev Bryant, Cooper McDonald, Evelyn Stephenson, Thylani Jones, and Max Mamarella


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New Philadelphia City Schools will provide all students the opportunity to achieve their highest potential to become educated, self-sufficient, and responsible citizens.  We are committed to providing every student a diverse, quality education within a safe and secure environment through a dedicated, innovative, and highly qualified staff in partnership with parents and the community at large.